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Image by Valdemaras D.

Policy Number: AUS-PA0205

Sponsor: Office of Academic Affairs

Effective Date: September 3, 2021


  1. Induction shall welcome all students to the university by creating a friendly atmosphere, helping to familiarize them with their surroundings, and ensuring that students are supported to prepare effectively to meet the demands of their chosen program/course of study and eventual career path.

  2. Student induction encompasses the initial stages of the guidance and support services provided to students before they enter The American University of Science ("AUS," "University," or "university") and continues throughout their studies and beyond. This policy ensures that all students from various backgrounds, with a wide range of learning experiences, are entitled to an induction to ease the transition to AUS, introduce students to their program's skills, knowledge, and demands, and include the transition between levels, and establish students as part of the AUS community.


This policy applies to students, faculties, and staff.


  1. Induction is important for students and all staff at AUS. It enables students to understand the policies and procedures that are associated with their program of study and provides a critical point of communication between the University and its students. Well-conducted and well-structured induction sessions ensure students make the best start to the new term.

  2. At the start of a term, induction is an important and informative event for students. Students new to AUS need to understand the rules, regulations, and policies that apply to them while undertaking their program of study. Information about AUS generally, including policies to do with, for example, attendance, academic misconduct, and requesting an extension to a deadline for submitting coursework, are of direct importance and ensure all students are treated fairly. New students also require information about their program of study and the awarding body's requirements for the program they are undertaking. Overseas students and students unfamiliar with living in the US also find it helpful to be provided with general information to help them settle into new living arrangements.

  3. Returning students starting a new term of study in their program find it helpful to be reminded of AUS’s policies and procedures. Importantly, returning students need to know if there have been any changes in, for example, awarding body requirements, University policies and procedures, and any new policies that need to be brought to their attention.

  4. While much information about AUS’s policies and procedures is available in the Student Handbook and the learning management system, Nebula, this information must be presented to them in induction sessions. This permits students to ask questions, seek clarification, and understand the policies and procedures more fully as they apply directly to them.

A. Induction for New Students

  1. All new students will be provided with an induction program during the first week of the first term of their program of study. The induction program should be timetabled to take place during the first week of the term and be an opportunity for students to meet the senior staff of AUS, including the Provost, Vice Provosts, Deans, Program Directors, and (where applicable) their Cohort Leader.

  2. The induction program should cover a wide range of topics, including but not limited to the following:

    1. General context of AUS, including its aims and values

    2. Expectations of students while formally enrolled in a program of study at AUS

    3. Information about the external environment in which AUS is located and critical facilities that students can use

    4. AUS’s policies, procedures, resources, and programs relevant to academic affairs.

    5. Requirements of the awarding body responsible for the program/course enrolled on and the roles of Internal and External Verifiers/Examiners and the relevant rules and regulations for the course/program enrolled on

    6. AUS’s Academic Misconduct Policy and procedures, using Turnitin and interpreting Turnitin similarity reports

    7. Committee structure and engagement of students with the quality assurance processes of AUS

    8. Tutorial policy, academic support, and welfare support facilities at AUS

    9. Information about assessed work, including when Examination Boards are scheduled to meet when students can expect a return of assessments and the provision of feedback.

    10. Introduction to the learning environment system, Nebula

    11. Any other information that may be valuable to students

B. Induction for Returning Students

  1. All returning students should have one session allocated for induction at the start of the second (and third, where relevant) year of their program of studies. This will be covered in class by an Academic Affairs staff; students will be required to attend. This induction is to remind returning students of important policies and introduce them to new or significantly revised policies. The induction session for returning students should cover the following areas:

    1. The responsibilities of students whilst enrolled at AUS

    2. The College’s academic misconduct policy and procedure, using Turnitin and interpreting Turnitin similarity reports

    3. Any significant changes in existing policies and procedures

    4. Any significant changes in awarding body requirements

    5. Any new policies or procedures that have been introduced and are effective from the start of the new term

    6. Information about assessed work, return of assessments for the previous term, and the provision of feedback

    7. Any other information that may be valuable to students

C. Delivery and Format of Induction Week

  1. The induction program for AUS can be conducted both online and offline and is designed to be a warm, welcoming, and supportive experience for all students. The program will be scheduled and delivered in a way that provides a coherent and effective introduction to AUS life. It is important to ensure that induction activities are not too spread out, as this could result in long gaps between activities. Additionally, students should not be expected to come to AUS for only a small amount of activity, which they may perceive as a waste of their time and money. It is essential that, once published, any changes to the induction program are kept to an absolute minimum and are communicated effectively to all concerned.

  2. The program should contain social activities that encourage students to get to know each other and to become acquainted with the AUS layout, the location of key staff, facilities, and services.

  3. For full-time students, the induction program will extend, as a minimum, over a two-day period at the beginning of the session.

  4. For other modes of attendance, the duration of the induction program will tend to extend only for a short time during the initial meeting of the class.

  5. It may be deemed preferable to schedule aspects of induction over a longer period.

  6. All full-time students and their part-time equivalents will be provided with the necessary information through the program and course website, including the following:

    1. Program Handbook

    2. Program Timetable

    3. Academic Calendar

    4. Assessment Schedule

    5. List of Key Staff and Contact Details

    6. Key Health and Safety Information

    7. IT Acceptable User Policy

D. Student Feedback on Induction

  1. After conducting the induction programs, it is important to gather feedback from the students to evaluate their experience. This feedback will help in identifying the most valuable aspects of the program and any changes that can be introduced to enhance the induction process. A short questionnaire that includes both quantitative and qualitative data should be used to collect this feedback.

  2. The Deans or their representatives should write a brief report based on the data collected from the questionnaire and any feedback received from staff who delivered the induction program. The report must highlight the good practices and strengths of the induction program and provide recommendations for its improvement in the next term. This report should be presented at the next meeting of the Academic Standards Committee and the Senior Leadership Team for consideration.



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